Monday, August 19, 2013

استشهد 24 جندى واصابة 2 فى هجوم مسلح برفح

لقى 24 جندياً مصرعهم وأصيب 2 آخران، فى هجوم على سيارتين تقلان جنود أمن مركزى بمدينة رفح شمال سيناء.
وقال مصدر أمنى، إن أتوبيسات تقل الجنود على طريق "العريش ـ رفح" استهدفها مسلحون بقذائف صاروخية بمنطقة أبو طويلة وأصابوها، وتوفى فى الحال 24، وأصيب 2 آخران، ويجرى نقل القتلى والمصابين لمستشفيات رفح والعريش.

وسنوافيكم بالتفاصيل.
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Sunday, August 18, 2013

CATCH Marwa Mohamed Mohamed Abdou audience

Marwa left before the end of the concert hall, but the misfortune to Mhaa some young people who came out behind her and quickly increased their numbers in a matter of minutes to pick up pictures with them and donated roses and asked about its new business.It also seized the attention of everyone and won the admiration of millions of audience Mohammed Abdo artist Saudi Arabia can not respond to all fans which warranted intervention by the security men to help them get out safely to that young Aoda to prosecute it not for the intervention of the new guard ..
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Wael Ghonim helped me retrieve my page on Facebook.Basma

In dialogue with, the artist said Basma on how to restore them to account on Facebook after the break, and the difficulty of filming the drama series "preacher" during pregnancy, in addition to interest in naming her daughter Bahia but everyone laughed at them, as revealed on her mind to break up a sit-fourthand the future of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and she with the decisions of the Egyptian army because he is protecting the homeland and the shield of the Arab nation if the state fell fell Osag.
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Gold prices yesterday, 18/08/2013

Gold rose the world more than 1%, on Sunday to its highest level in nearly two weeks, due to weak U.S. data and increase holdings of funds indicators of gold for the first time in two months and has grown holdings of funds 0.2% to 911.13 tonnes on Friday, the first increase since the tenth of June.
The spot price rose 1.3% for gold to hit $ 1330.51 an ounce, Earlier metal record $ 1333.31, the highest price so far this month
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Vandals killing brother of artist Sowaidan in his room

Vandals have not been identified are firing people on the artist's brother Sowaidan to Hrvathm and so far not shown any evidence until the perpetrator is caught ..Witnesses said that the reason for the murder is of heavy lead by the Office of the Muslim Brotherhood.
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The best and only solution to get rid of stretch marks

Showing symptoms of cracks ankles and feet in the area of ​​heel in the form of a severe drought skin accompanied by cracks vary in size and length from small to medium and sometimes become cracks are large and deep skin, accompanied in some cases hemorrhage from time to time, they also lead to the sensation of pain, especially with the standand walking. The problem may have more than one reason, dry-skinned People in general are vulnerable to injury, as he found the studies and research that genetic factors play a role in many cases.On the other side of this phenomenon may occur as a show symptoms of psoriasis in the toe area, which lead to the emergence of silver-colored peel and severe skin dryness and cracks accompanied by bleeding leads to memory impairment and Hizlan body.
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Get rid of fat by mixing strange magic

We have confirmed that most of the research conducted .. That ginger sits in the list of material assistance and scorching of fat, as indicated by nutritionist and health hope Ansari that ginger is one of the most important materials that help and deserved to burn fat formed in the human body when eaten, especially after the diet directly prefers blending material ginger with cinnamon to give better results when you burn fat better after meals .. well he can mix and blend ginger Ptnqaa the cinnamon sticks in ginger or when mixing a small amount of cinnamon powder with fresh ginger solution ..And hold snapped this mixed drink can almost guarantee easily burn fat immediately after eating. So with the passage of time will be burning fat permanently and there will be fat again.
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Accessories Girls Youth to the Year 2014

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Women accidents

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Anyone who wants to travel to France

French Agency confirmed it had issued facilities for anyone who wants to travel to from all over the world.The Paris called on all its consulate abroad to facilitate the granting of special visas for businessmen, artists, academics, and Paris also decided to raise the visa granted and expired from 6 months to five years with regard to short visas and mobility services.
In the same context allows visitors visa-winning for 6 Salouhatha months frequency or stay in France an extra 90 days and this is not to a particular country but for all around and the countries of the Arab world and the West
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Amr media failed to read the true picture

Amr said and stressed that the Egyptian media has failed to provide the true image and stressed that with the decisions of the Muslim Brotherhood
He also said Amr Waked, "Western media fail to read the true image of Egypt," he added in another Tweet, "the Western media ignore that the supporters of Mohamed Morsi carried firearms and other weapons that you use frequently.
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Accessories I hope to pass Egypt unscathed from this ordeal

Accessories artist said that what is happening in Egypt now been hit by a heart crying hysterically as she
 In a statement to the "home", "Egypt does not deserve is love and peace, God favored peace to all the world; therefore must remain a country of peace and enters enters peacefully safe, and I wish to express this nightmare in which we live, it was tired too, and I hope the return of Egypt to us as she is beautiful and safe. 
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The last concerts Haifa Wehbe

Revived Haifa Wehbe her concert in Lebanon after its absence a considerable period concerts Lebanese because going through the country in the moment violin confirmed after the end of the ceremony it is against killing and blood and she stands next to great people of Egypt and stands beside the Egyptian army and the police Egyptian supports it asks the people ofdecisions
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Nancy Ajram refuses to victims of violence in Egypt

Nancy Ajram said that Egypt is currently going through a difficult Payam and strongly rejects violence and sabotage in Egypt and says the Brotherhood of people lose because of all these crimes and in her words confirmed it with Sisi and police in all that taken against this terrorist group
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EXCLUSIVE leaking Miss Turkey during a visit to a hospital Girls

One squadron of people new photos of Miss Turkey during its tour to visit a hospital and girls had to own cosmetic doctor and his wife
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Both suffering from knee pain

• heredity can also play a role in the emergence of black on the knees and elbows. If most of the family members suffer from it, the probability of occurrence when a person increases with time. • Lead neglect and lack of skin care of it to the emergence and aggravation of the problem. Although some follow a daily regime of skin care, but the majority overlook the knees and elbows are the areas most vulnerable to drought and pigmentation and scaling, as well as the emergence of black. • influenced by the color of the knees and elbows exposure to sunlight - without taking the necessary precautions to prevent them - change their minds and turn into a class darkest rapidly compared to other body parts. • contribute to certain diseases and health problems in the formation of black spots on the knees, elbows, such as Addison's disease, which causes dark spots on the skin and polycystic ovaries Omtlazma of polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS and hormonal changes during pregnancy, are all factors for skin disorders in women. • In addition, some drugs can lead to the formation of dark spots on the knees and elbows. How can I get rid of dark spots on the knees and elbows?It is known that the knees and elbows are two more areas of the body movement also must be in at least three hours a day
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Yasmin Abdulaziz her children refuse entry to the world of art

Recognized artist Yasmin Abdel Aziz they had received numerous offers to allow her eldest daughter Jasmine to enter the field of art, but she refused.And Yasmin Abdel Aziz revealed that her daughter was a candidate to assume the role in the new film, which currently busy, stressing that it refused to do so not out of fear of envy as alleged by some, others say fear that exposed them to one of the directors, as is happening now
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The Minister of the Interior in Libya resignation

Feet Libyan Interior Minister Mohammed Khalifa Sheikh Sunday his resignation and expressed regret that he was unable to carry out the necessary reforms, while the country is facing a state of security chaos, according to a spokesman for the ministry reported.He said Ramy Kaaal, "Mohammed Khalifa Sheikh submitted a letter of resignation to the General National Congress
The MP added that "also talked about the pressure from the members of the Council and officials أقالهم from their duties and refused to step down from office." The agency reported Lana According to a source in the Prime Minister's Office on Zidane "agreed to the resignation of the Minister of the Interior presented by Sunday morning"
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Problem on the air directly with Madeleine Matar in the Arabic prograM.

Lebanese artist during a program hosted in Arabic raises a big problem with the announcer, guests and guest attacking Lebanese singer and then withdraw from the program and the announcer trying to reconcile them but did not succeed in that dialogue and ends to leave guests. watch this video: Problem on the air directly with Madeleine Matar in the Arabic prograM ..
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Filming from within “Rabaa El Adaweya

Video from within the “Rabaa El Adaweya” shows what's very happening within with all the small print and current events, and shows the actual fact that the rumors that ar being aforesaid this happening in Egypt.Video picture taking from within “Rabaa El Adaweyaa
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Carole Samaha rejects the title of the Performing artist because he

Cairo _  rejected the Lebanese singer Carole Samaha personal disclosure of her boyfriend, who is preparing to marry him the end of this year, and justified this, saying "it is my personal life and no one is entitled to be locked in, all Saarafh in a timely manner."
Carroll confirmed that the marriage will help them to more creativity in the artistic scope, and added, "marriage Ciecjni to go in my career and technical creativity, when I feel the stability and security of the oldest most beautiful thing and my heart."
Lebanese singer stressed the rejection of the title of "artist Performing" which was launched by some as a result of her talent review, and justified this, saying "this title was respected because he was called to possess actually that talent, but at the moment it became known as the dancers, so I refuse to call . "
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